Please read the Installation notes and Readme before installation.
InterBase XE3 Developer Edition and InterBase XE3 ToGo are installed with RAD Studio XE7. For additional eligible downloads, please consult the Installation Notes.
Log a Support case in the usual manner if you have installation or usability issues.
For advice on how to register your IBLite and IBTogo Test Deployment licenses, please see The InterBase documentation on the subject. The registration code should be 737479.
If you have an add-on pack please follow the instructions below.
1. Before installing the Add-On Pack, you must install, run, register, and then exit your RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder Professional edition product.
2. To install the Add-On Pack, go to the Windows Start Menu| Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio| Modify, Repair, Uninstall. Select Upgrade. Enter your Add-On Pack serial number or navigate to the Add-On Pack *.slip file. Then step through the wizard to complete the install.